The Integrated Violence Abuse and Neglect (IVAN) Portfolio provides strategic workforce development, learning pathways, training, education, resources, and support to workers across NSW Health including VAN Services, government and non-government services with integrated, collaborative, trauma and violence informed responses to violence abuse and neglect including child protection, sexual assault and problematic harmful sexual behaviours.

We also provide consultancy to agencies and workers, lead development and delivery of NSW Health state wide forums, support policy and project development and we work in collaboration with Prevention and Response to Violence Abuse and Neglect (PARVAN), Ministry of Health (MOH), Local Health Districts (LHD) and Health Networks to provide workforce capacity building.

Our Portfolio delivers a nationally recognised competency-based RTO course: 10826NAT Graduate Certificate in Integrated Violence, Abuse and Neglect Interventions (IVANI), and we provide core training to NSW Health VAN services (CPCS, SAS, JCPRP, DFV).These courses and the other workshops we provide lead the way for workforce capacity building for NSW Health workers and our partner services including government and non-government workers responding to violence abuse and neglect.

Our training courses, workshops and resources reflect best practice though our commitment to using current research, evidenced based literature and well developed practice-based wisdom and most importantly ensuring the voices of children, women, men, families and communities who have been subjected to violence, abuse and neglect are held strongly and centrally in the work we do.

We hold a strong commitment to violence informed, trauma informed, safety focused and social justice driven practice frameworks that are embedded in intersectional and collaborative responses, whilst understanding the social and political context of violence abuse and neglect. We also recognise the strength and resistance of individuals to such violence, abuse and neglect and support a public health integrated model of service provision in the prevention, identification and response to violence abuse and neglect.

The IVAN Portfolio continuously seeks ways to adapt training and education to be responsive to the workforce and to improve access and bring equity for workers who are attending our courses across NSW. As a result, we have embraced blended learning moving to online learning modules, short webinars, virtual/online training and continuing with our face to face delivery model. We are committed to working alongside our partner agencies in evolving and developing how we provide and lead workforce capacity building at a state and national level.

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